Committees of Presbytery

Administrative & Nominations Committee

The affairs of the Church in the areas of administration and nominating men for presbytery committees are assigned to the Ad/Nom Committee, whose duties and authority shall be designated by the presbytery.




Candidates & Credentials Committee

The affairs of the Church relating to candidates for the gospel ministry and the credentials of teaching elders are assigned to the C&C Committee, whose duties and authority shall be designated by the presbytery.


Chairman:   TE Wayne Larson   515-440-3407


Care of Churches Committee

The affairs of the Church regarding the pastoral care of teaching elders and congregations of the presbytery including ministerial changes of call (Dissolution of Pastoral Relations) are assigned to the Care of Churches Committee.




Mission to Iowa Committee

Mission to Iowa includes but is not limited to ministries generally under the auspices of Mission to North America (MNA) or Reformed University Ministry (RUM).  These include Church Planting, Campus Ministries etc.




Mission to the World Committee

This committee shall communicate with current members of Presbytery serving in ministries around the world and communicate with churches the opportunities in World Missions.

Chairman: TE Doug Vander Pol          515-538-0695